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Inside the World of Preppers: A Comprehensive Guide


Want to know what are preppers? Preppers are people who actively prepare for emergencies and unforeseen events. They focus on:

  • Emergency preparedness: Creating plans for various disasters.
  • Stockpiling supplies: Keeping essential items like food and water.
  • Survival skills: Learning first aid, self-defense, and more.

In today’s interconnected world, natural disasters, civil unrest, and other crises can hit anyone, anywhere. Preppers aim to be ready for these situations to protect themselves and their loved ones. This guide gives you a peek into their world, from basic concepts to their detailed plans.

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What Are Preppers?

Preppers are individuals who take personal responsibility for their well-being during emergencies by preparing in advance. They engage in activities like stockpiling supplies, developing survival skills, and creating detailed emergency plans. The goal is to ensure they can handle various crises, whether natural disasters, economic collapse, or other unforeseen events.

Preppers vs. Survivalists

While the terms “preppers” and “survivalists” are often used interchangeably, they have distinct approaches.

Preppers focus on planning and stockpiling. They gather resources and develop strategies to stay safe during emergencies. For example, many preppers store enough food and water to last several weeks or even months. They also create emergency kits, known as “bug-out bags,” filled with essential items like food, water, and first aid supplies.

Survivalists, on the other hand, emphasize skills over supplies. They prepare to adapt to any situation, often with a more self-reliant and sometimes combative approach. For example, survivalists may learn how to hunt, fish, and build shelters from natural materials. They are often prepared to live off the land if necessary.

Planning vs. Adapting

Preppers are planners. They create detailed plans for various scenarios and gather the necessary supplies to execute these plans. For instance, some preppers identify nearby water sources and invest in water purification systems like Berkey filters to ensure access to clean drinking water during a crisis.

Survivalists adapt. They rely on their skills and knowledge to survive, regardless of the situation. This might include learning how to forage for edible plants or practicing self-defense techniques. Their focus is on being able to handle whatever comes their way, even with minimal supplies.

Stockpiling vs. Skills

Stockpiling is a key activity for preppers. They often store large quantities of non-perishable food, water, and other essentials. For instance, some preppers keep dried foods like beans and grains in moisture-proof containers to ensure they have enough nutrition during extended emergencies.

Skills development is crucial for survivalists. They invest time in learning practical skills that can help them survive without modern conveniences. This might include first aid training, learning how to set broken bones, or even taking courses on herbal medicine.

Stockpiling food - what are preppers

Case Study: Bradley Garrett

Bradley Garrett, a former university professor, is a prime example of a prepper. After writing a book about prepping, he became a convert himself. Living in Big Bear Lake, California, Garrett practices “bugging out” by test-running escape routes to ensure he can evacuate quickly during a disaster. When a wildfire threatened his home, he was able to evacuate within 30 minutes, although he realized he needed to improve his organization for critical documents.


“Our country doesn’t have the infrastructure anymore to be able to deal with emergencies in a meaningful way.” – Bradley Garrett

In summary, while both preppers and survivalists aim to be prepared for emergencies, their methods differ. Preppers focus on planning and stockpiling, while survivalists prioritize skills and adaptability. Both approaches have their merits and can be tailored to fit individual needs and circumstances.

Next, we’ll explore why people become preppers and the various motivations behind their preparedness efforts.

Why Do People Become Preppers?

Historical Context

Preppers, also known as survivalists, are individuals who prepare for emergencies by stockpiling supplies, developing skills, and creating plans. But why do people become preppers? The answer lies in a mix of historical events, personal experiences, and societal trends.

Climate Change

One of the biggest reasons people become preppers is climate change. Rising global temperatures, longer droughts, and severe storms are becoming more common. For example, the Planetary Health Alliance reports that natural disasters have increased tenfold over the past 40 years. These events can disrupt daily life, making it essential to be prepared.

Civil Unrest

Civil unrest is another motivator. Protests, riots, and political instability can create dangerous situations. The World Economic Forum highlighted this issue during its 2023 Annual Meeting, emphasizing the need for cooperation in a fragmented world. Preppers aim to protect themselves and their families during such times.

Economic Collapse

Economic collapse is a fear for many preppers. Financial crises can lead to job losses, inflation, and shortages of essential goods. The Great Depression of the 1930s is often cited as a historical example of why it’s crucial to be prepared for economic downturns.


The COVID-19 pandemic showed how quickly the world can change. Lockdowns, supply chain disruptions, and health crises made it clear that being prepared is vital. According to a Finder survey, about one-third of U.S. adults now consider themselves preppers, a significant increase from previous years.

Government Trust Issues

Some people become preppers due to a lack of trust in the government. They believe that in a major crisis, government agencies may not be able to provide immediate assistance. This sentiment was echoed by Bradley Garrett, who said, “Our country doesn’t have the infrastructure anymore to be able to deal with emergencies in a meaningful way.”

Civil Defense and the Cold War

The concept of prepping isn’t new. During the Cold War, the U.S. government promoted civil defense programs to prepare citizens for nuclear attacks. Fallout shelters and emergency drills were common. This era laid the groundwork for modern prepping, emphasizing the importance of being ready for large-scale disasters.

Modern Prepping Evolution

Prepping has evolved over the years. The 9/11 attacks and the COVID-19 pandemic both spurred increased interest in preparedness. Despite some negative media portrayals, prepping continues to grow as a practical approach to self-sufficiency and resilience.

Doomsday Preppers TV Show

The TV show “Doomsday Preppers,” which aired in 2011, brought prepping into the mainstream. While it showcased some extreme examples, it also highlighted the importance of being prepared. The show faced criticism and was eventually canceled, but it left a lasting impact on how people view prepping.

In the next section, we’ll delve into common prepping activities and how they help individuals and communities prepare for emergencies.

Common Prepping Activities

Identifying Water Supply

Water is life. Humans can survive weeks without food but only a few days without water. Preppers prioritize having a clean drinking water supply. Some store enough water to last their families for weeks. Others go a step further and dig wells or locate nearby springs.

Many invest in premium gravity-fed water purifiers like Doulton, AquaRain, or Berkey systems. These ensure safe drinking water even if the grid goes down.

Food Preparation

Preppers avoid the chaos of empty grocery stores by planning ahead. They store dried foods like beans, corn, and grains in moisture-proof containers.

Gardening is another common activity. Many preppers grow their own food in backyards or greenhouses. Learning about edible weeds and foraging techniques also helps them stay fed during emergencies.

Some preppers even use freeze-drying to preserve food for the long term.

Acquiring First Aid Knowledge

Emergencies often lead to injuries or illness. Preppers get ready by learning home health care and stocking up on supplies. They take courses on herbal medicine and keep key herbs on hand.

CPR and basic first aid skills are also essential. Preppers usually have first aid kits with bandages, antiseptic wipes, burn cream, and first aid tape.


Safety first. Preppers know that in a crisis, they might need to protect themselves and their families. Many learn self-defense skills or train in martial arts.

Some also stockpile weapons and ammunition as a precaution.


Staying informed and connected is crucial during disasters. Preppers often invest in communication devices like short-wave radios. This helps them stay in touch with loved ones and receive updates if traditional communication channels fail.

These activities form the backbone of prepping, ensuring that individuals and families can remain safe and self-sufficient during emergencies. Next, we’ll explore the different levels of prepping and what each entails.

Levels of Prepping

Prepping is not a one-size-fits-all activity. It involves different levels, each with increasing complexity and commitment. Let’s break down these levels from basic preparedness to going off-grid.

Basic Preparedness

Most people can handle a short-term emergency. Basic preparedness involves having enough supplies to last for a few days. This includes:

  • Emergency plans: Know evacuation routes and have a family meeting spot.
  • Short-term supplies: Stock up on food, water, and essential medications.
  • Survival kits: Keep a kit with first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, and essential documents.

Prepping for 30 Days

When prepping for a month, you take basic preparedness up a notch. 30-day prepping is where many start to identify as preppers. Here’s what’s involved:

  • Increased stockpiling: Gather more food, water, and other necessities to last 30 days.
  • Everyday carry options: Have essential items like a multi-tool, flashlight, and first aid kit with you at all times.
  • Home survival kits: Expand your kit to include more comprehensive supplies like a portable stove and bulk food storage.

Prepping for 3 Months

Prepping for 3 months requires more planning and resources. At this level, you start thinking about sustainability and long-term survival:

  • Sustainable food sources: Consider gardening, foraging, or even raising small livestock.
  • Rain capture: Set up systems to collect and purify rainwater.
  • Bug-out bags: Prepare a bag with essentials in case you need to leave your home quickly.

Prepping for a Year and Beyond

For those preparing for a year or more, the focus shifts to indefinite survival. Prepping for a year and beyond involves:

  • Bug-out locations: Identify a safe place to go if you need to leave home, often in rural or less-populated areas.
  • Bug-out vehicles: Invest in a reliable vehicle equipped for off-road travel and long-term living.
  • Infrastructure improvements: Enhance home security, build storage facilities, and create sustainable systems for water, food, and energy.

Going Off-Grid

The ultimate level is going off-grid, also known as homesteading. This lifestyle focuses on complete self-sufficiency:

  • Homesteading: Live on a piece of land where you can grow food, raise animals, and generate your own power.
  • Self-sufficiency: Develop skills like canning, sewing, and woodworking to reduce reliance on external resources.
  • Renewable energy: Use solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable sources to power your home.

By understanding these levels, you can decide how far you want to take your preparedness journey. Each level builds on the previous one, creating a robust plan for any emergency.

Modern Preppers and Their Motivations

Modern preppers come from all walks of life. They are diverse in age, race, culture, socioeconomic status, and political beliefs. This shift is reshaping the prepping landscape, making it more inclusive and community-focused.

The Rise of Liberal Preppers

Liberal preppers are a growing segment, driven by concerns like climate change, environmental sustainability, and social justice. These individuals are motivated by:

  • Climate change awareness: Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and severe. Prepping for these events is a practical way to mitigate risks.
  • Community resilience: Building strong, supportive communities is essential. Preppers often engage in activities that strengthen local bonds and ensure that everyone is ready for emergencies.
  • Sustainable practices: Many liberal preppers focus on reducing waste, foraging, and using renewable energy. This sustainable approach helps them live more independently and responsibly.

Brook Morgan, a self-described “30-year-old lesbian from Indiana,” exemplifies this trend. She noted the increasing diversity at prepper events, saying, “I’m really surprised by the number of people of color here.” This inclusivity is reshaping the prepper community.

The Role of Technology

Technology plays a significant role in modern prepping. The internet has made it easier than ever to access information and connect with like-minded individuals.

  • Online forums: Websites and forums provide a wealth of information on topics like food storage, water purification, and self-defense. These platforms are invaluable resources for both new and experienced preppers.
  • YouTube channels: Many preppers share their knowledge through YouTube. Videos on everything from building a bug-out bag to urban survival skills are readily available.
  • Social media influence: Platforms like Instagram and Facebook allow preppers to share tips, discuss strategies, and build communities. This connectivity fosters a sense of belonging and mutual support.

Technology has democratized prepping, making it accessible to a broader audience. This shift is helping to dispel the stereotype of preppers as fringe outcasts and showing that preparedness is for everyone.

By embracing diverse backgrounds, promoting political neutrality, and leveraging technology, modern preppers are building a more resilient and inclusive community. This approach ensures that more people are prepared for whatever the future holds.

Frequently Asked Questions about Preppers

How Many Americans Are Preppers?

Today, around 20 million Americans identify as preppers. This number has doubled since 2017, highlighting a significant increase in interest and participation in the prepping movement. This growth includes people from diverse demographics, including minorities and individuals with various political beliefs. For example, the Survival & Prepper Show in Colorado saw attendees ranging from young families to military personnel, reflecting the broadening appeal of prepping.

What Do Preppers Spend On Average?

Prepping can involve various expenses, depending on the level of preparedness one aims for. Here are some common areas where preppers invest their money:

Survival Kits: These typically include essential items like water filtration systems, emergency blankets, and first-aid supplies. Basic kits might start around $100, while comprehensive setups can reach into the thousands. For instance, a high-end survival kit might cost around $730.

Home Renovations: Many preppers modify their homes for enhanced safety and sustainability. This can include constructing safe rooms or underground bunkers, which can start at $20,000. More elaborate structures can cost much more. Other modifications might include installing solar panels and improving water storage systems.

Self-Defense: This includes purchasing firearms, ammunition, and home security systems, as well as investing in self-defense training. The cost can vary widely based on the type and quantity of equipment and the level of training.

Overall, the financial commitment can be significant, but for many, the peace of mind and increased safety are worth the investment.

What Are Preppers Preparing For?

Preppers prepare for a range of potential threats. Here are some of the most common scenarios they anticipate:

Natural Disasters: This includes events like hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires. For example, Bradley Garrett had to put his bug-out plan into action when a wildfire threatened his home.

Economic Collapse: The fear of financial instability and the breakdown of economic systems drives many to stockpile resources and learn self-sufficiency skills.

Civil Unrest: Concerns about social instability and lawlessness lead some preppers to focus on self-defense and secure living environments.

Pandemics: The COVID-19 pandemic was a wake-up call for many, turning abstract apocalyptic scenarios into reality. Preppers aim to be self-sufficient in case of future pandemics.

By preparing for these scenarios, preppers aim to ensure their safety and self-reliance in uncertain times.


At Survival Titan, we believe that community engagement is a critical pillar of preparedness. Our platform is more than just a resource hub; it’s a thriving community where individuals from all walks of life come together to learn, share, and grow in the field of survival and preparedness.

Education and Empowerment:

We aim to empower our community members through education. Whether you’re just starting with basic preparedness or looking to refine advanced skills, our content is designed to equip you with practical knowledge. From understanding how to identify a reliable water supply to mastering the art of food preparation and first aid, we cover all aspects of prepping.

Preparedness for All Levels:

Preparedness is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Whether you’re prepping for three days, 30 days, or even a year, we provide detailed guides on how to achieve each level of readiness. For those looking to make a significant lifestyle change, we also delve into off-grid living and homesteading, offering tips on self-sufficiency and renewable energy.

Community Engagement:

Engaging with our community allows preppers to exchange ideas, learn from experienced members, and find moral support. Our platform offers a space for group activities like collective training sessions and community survival drills, enhancing readiness and building trust among members.

Shared Knowledge:

Our community members bring a wealth of knowledge from diverse backgrounds. From urban survival skills to advanced homesteading, the collective wisdom available is vast. This shared knowledge is invaluable, especially in times of crisis.

Moral Support:

In tough times, having a support system that understands and shares your concerns about future uncertainties can provide significant emotional comfort. Being part of a community that values preparedness can make all the difference.

Survival Titan: Your Partner in Preparedness:

At Survival Titan, our mission goes beyond providing top-notch survival gear reviews and expert advice. We aim to empower our community members to not only survive but thrive in any situation they might face. Our content is designed to equip you with practical skills, informed by the latest research and real-world experiences of seasoned preppers.

By engaging with our community and utilizing our resources, you can enhance your preparedness, build resilience, and ensure the safety and well-being of yourself and your loved ones. Join us at Survival Titan and become part of a connected and informed community dedicated to preparedness and survival.

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Every little bit helps, so even if you just start with basic preparedness or dive into more advanced levels, remember: the more we do, the less we’ll need to prep.

Learn more about how to get started with preparedness at Survival Titan.

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